Formula High School was originally the idea of Mike Besel and Jeremie Meyer, high school Technology & Engineering instructors from Wisconsin, USA. These two instructors wanted to develop a program where teams of students would build a replica race vehicle in 8 months and then test it at the track.
In 2015, the Formula High School Racecar Build Program was introduced into Australia by Formula Student, a RTO based at Yandina in Queensland. Greig Frankham, a director at Formula Student, saw the potential in using a motorsport platform to engage students. Having a motorsport engineering background, Greig quickly jumped on the idea to bring this exciting form of education to Australia. Contact was made with Jeremie, an extremely ethusiastic and helpful founder of the formula, and it is now well-established in Australia for Australian students.
The program in Australia is an innovative way to deliver the MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways to High school students. The staff at Formula Student were looking for a learning program that delivered a work-like experience for the student and what better way to achieve this than with a Qualification that was developed by industry for industry.
Like the US counterparts, Formula Student recognises that the program is really about learning Engineering Skills and not motorsport. With this in mind and being aware of how nervous some school administrators might be about students strapping themselves into a 400hp race car, the Australian vehicle also uses a 20.5 hp engine. The engine of choice is a 670cc V-Twin Kohler engine . This is coupled to a CVT (Constant Velocity transmission) which is chain driven to the rear axle assembly. The Australian designed chassis incorporates pushrod activated independent suspension for all for wheels acting on reservoir shock absorbers. The body is the same LMP (Le Mans Prototype) body the US teams run. In 2019, we also introduced a Clubman style vehicle to the program.
RACERS, the leading motorsport regulator in Australia is supportive of the program, and prior to a vehicle being run in competition the vehicle must pass a technical inspection and be "logbooked" as a RACERS race vehicle. Our annual 6 hour endurance race is sanctioned by RACERS.
If you're a teacher at a High School, you can see the obvious benefits of this engaging real world mode of education, and if you would like more information you can contact the staff at Formula Student to discuss your interest by clicking the contact us tab at the top of the screen. We look forward to talking to you about this exciting program.
If you're a student at a high school, and want to be a part of this exciting program, talk to your teacher about it, direct him/her to visit, or even send us an email, tell us a bit about yourself and why you and your friends want to be part of the Formula High School racecar build program in Australia. Send us an email from the contact us tab at the top of the page so we can assist you in discussing this program with your teachers and teaching staff. We believe in the program and are here to help.
High School students who are awarded the qualification while at school receive 4 QCE points towards their High School Certificate.
Students enrolled in Formula Student’s Formula High School Race-car Build Program are enrolled in the MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways qualification. This qualification has been designed by industry as a Prevocation Qualification and is ideal for the Program, allowing students to study the qualification while being engaged in exciting and fulfilling course work.
Click the button below to be taken to the MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways page to find out more about this qualification. This link will open in a new tab.
Take me to the MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways page
Formula Student has a philosophy of delivering training that prepares a student for work, and students develop workplace skills by undertaking work like practices in a work like environment.
To this end, both the training and the assessment are carried out while undertaking simulated workshop tasks or jobs. As much as possible both the Skills and the Knowledge components of the learning, commonly called practical and theory components, are carried out in the workshop, on the job.
Our training utilises MRP(Manufacturing Resource Planning) software which allows tasks to be allocated to students and for the logging on and off by the student for the different work areas and equipment used.
Students are instructed by the trainers and/or carry out blended learning utilising video instruction to gain an understanding of the task and what is required as an outcome.
The student is assigned a job card and drawing to instruct them on what it is they are required to manufacture or learn, and the steps required to achieve the outcome. The component manufacture is broken down within the job card into the various step by step work tasks.
This step by step process breaks a finished task down into the steps or stages to manufacture an item or learn theory and the student clocks on to each stage of the job card, just like in a real manufacturing workshop. The final stage or step on the job card is the trainer sign-off. Where a component is manufactured, the student inputs into the MRP software how many units he/she manufactured and the teacher signs off those components as satisfactory once they are manufactured and meet the tolerances and specification required on the drawing.
Assessment is carried out in a formative manner, taking into account the clustered nature of the training and assessment. Trainers utilise the latest in technology with the Formula Student proprietary mobile device observational assessment system.
This system allows the trainer to monitor and assess observable behaviours displayed by the student live while the student is carrying out tasks. The system is integrated with the MRP software and follows the job card and the student as they progress through their work instructions. The observable behaviours are mapped in the background to performance criteria for Units of Competency (UoC). Each observable behaviour is generally mapped to multiple UoC performance criteria across a range of UoC.
Students are observed and assessed progressively and over time.
For a student to be assessed as competent in a unit of competency, they must be assessed over time on multiple occasions for each of the Performance Criteria within a UoC. This mapping is carried out by the Formula Student proprietary mobile device observational assessment system. Once the system determines that a student has been determined satisfactory for each Performance Criteria through observable behaviour assessment from the teacher and questioning either by the trainer or through assessment quizzes through the LMS (Learning management System) component of the Formula Student proprietary mobile device observational assessment system , the system will then flag the assessment staff at Formula Student that the student has satisfactorily achieved the required criteria for a competent result in that UoC and is ready to be assessed and signed-off if deemed competent by the assessor.
Students have multiple opportunities for assessment due to the formative nature of assessment. If it is deemed that the student has had multiple opportunities and is still not able to achieve competency, then the student is determined to be Not Competent. For more information on multiple attempts refer to the student handbook.
Enrolling in a Formula Student program is a simple two step procedure.
1/ Become a student by clicking the "Become a Student" button on the top of the Formula Student home page
2/ Once you are a student, you can enrol in a class by logging in first and then clicking the “enrol in a class” button. Upon becoming a student you can go straight into the enrolment area.
Depending on which class you are enrolling in and if you are accessing Government Funding such as Queensland VET in Schools (VETiS), you may need to provide additional information such as copies of previously awarded Certificates or Visa category information. Formula Student may require this information along with other information to ascertain if you qualify for the funding you are utilising for your enrolment.
All students enrolled in a Nationally Recognised Training qualification (including ALL students undertaking VET in Schools programs) MUST provide Formula Student with their Unique Student Identifier (USI) within two weeks of enrolment, and student enrolment cannot be confirmed by Formula Student until a valid USI has been provided. For information about obtaining a USI see Formula High School Racecar Build Program is undertaken within high schools or at Formula Student’s Yandina training facility. The course duration and timetabling varies between schools. Normally, a school will run the program (a) for one full day per week over one school year, or (b) over three school periods per week over two school years. Our Yandina classes run for one full day per week over one school year.
All training resources and materials are included. Tools, equipment and consumables are provided by the facility (school or Formula Student training facility) where the training is being undertaken.
While we try and cover all items required during the learning and assessment, there are some items students will be required to supply and bring to class.
The first and most important are PPE items. PPE stands for "Personal Protective Equipment".
Students will also be required to supply their own stationery.
Student will need to provide the following:
This item is required during any class that involves welding. It must be made from a non-flammable material and it is highly recommended that students purchase a known brand high-visibility style workshirt.
Students are encouraged to wear long pants during all activities, however shorts are OK in hand tools environments. Long trousers are compulsory however when students are involved in activities that require welding to prevent burns due to the range of rays emitted from the welding source, along with radiated heat and sparks.
Engineering workplaces and practices require steel capped footwear to be worn during practical activities or while walking in practical based areas and the learning environment is no different. Students are required to have steel capped work boots or shoes to be able to enter the workshop. As the majority of our practical AND theoretical learning takes place in the workshop it will be rare that students won't be required to wear steel capped work shoes/boots.
Protective eye wear/Safety glasses
As with protective footwear, protective eyewear is a standard item when entering engineering workshops. Students are required to provide some form of eye wear/safety glasses that conforms to current Australian Standards. This could be in the form of safety glasses or a faceshield for those that wear prescription glasses. It is the student’s responsibility to provide suitable protective eyewear.
**Students will need to supply the preceeding items and wear them during all workshop sessions. Students who arrive at a workshop session without all of the required PPE (as listed on this page), for the student's safety and the safety of others, the student may not be permitted entry to the workshop to participate in the session.
Students are required to provide a range of day to day stationery such as pens, pencils, ruler, notebook and other items that they would generally be expected to bring to any other form of theoretical class.
Computers are available at our Yandina training facility and at the majority of school facilities. If you are in a Bring Your Own Device School, your school will advise if you need to BYOD.
Some schools may require students to provide additional items to those listed above. Each school will provide students with a list of what they need to provide.
Most students are enrolled in the Formula High School Racecar Build Program, MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways as fee-free students under the Queensland Government funded VET in Schools Program (VETiS. Not all students are eligible for VETiS funding – our fee for VETiS-ineligible students is $4,000 and we will negotiate a payment plan on a case-by-case basis as outlined in the Student Handbook.
For information about VETiS and eligibility, please see:
There will also be some costs associated with the program, including but not limited to PPE and costs involved in attendance at the end of program 6 hour endurance race (which is a non-compulsory part of the program and not part of the qualification being studied).
The MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways has no units of competency with pre-requisites.
The Program is open to high school students who have completed at least year 9 who have a reasonable level of language, literacy and numeracy skills (at a level that will enable successful undertaking of the course). Students need to check with their school regards entry requirements, as schools may offer the program to students either in Y10, Y11 and Y12.
Course content is designed to provide direct relevance to the work-related vocabulary, reading, writing and numeracy that students are asked to learn.
Prior to or upon enrolment or at any time during the course, a student may request their language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills be assessed to confirm their LLN skills are at the level required for the course (or individual units). In addition, trainers and assessors may request a student undertake an LLN assessment at any time during the course of their studies if the trainer and assessor thinks the student may be experiencing difficulty with the requirements of the course.
For more information about LLN assessment and support, click on the Student Support tab at the top of the site or the link to the Student Handbook.
Training is undertaken at high school locations or at the Formula Student Training Facility at 6/39 Central Park Drive, Yandina Qld 4561.
Please contact Formula Student for details of training locations for the specific program you are interested.
In October each year, Formula Student with our major Sponsor Lakeside Park and RACERS holds a 6 hour endurance race event for eligible students to compete with their completed vehicles. The event is held at Lakeside Park – Lakeside Rd, Kurwongbah (in north Brisbane). To be eligible to attend, students need to meet minimum attendance and class safety standards. The race event is not won by being the fastest car on the track, but rather the winning team is the team with the most consistent lap time. There are other awards also, such as best presented car, best pit crew, etc.
In this program, students undertake training in a limited range of units relating to tasks undertaken in automotive workshops on light vehicles, such as identifying and inspecting mechanical and electrical components and systems of light vehicles. The program also covers the skills and knowledge required to perform minor maintenance and repair of a light vehicle. The range of technical skills and knowledge provided is limited to Certificate II “Pathway” level tasks and the Program is targeted to students with an interest in pursuing an automotive traineeship or apprenticeship.
This program is undertaken in a simulated workplace environment. The trainer is the “workshop supervisor” and the students “employees”. Students clock on to and off of jobs, just as they would do in a real automotive workshop. Students learn to be responsible for their time in the workplace – this is an important expectation of automotive workshop and similar employers.
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who perform a limited range of tasks relating to identifying and inspecting mechanical and electrical components and systems of light vehicles, heavy vehicles, outdoor power equipment, bicycles, marine craft and motorcycles. The Formula Student program has a focus on light vehicles. This qualification also covers the skills and knowledge required to perform minor maintenance and repair of an automotive vehicle body. The range of technical skills and knowledge is limited.
Training and assessment is delivered face-to-face in a fully equipped workshop environment via a combination of comprehensive theoretical and practical lessons and tasks. Students are required to undertake a certain amount of self-directed preparation, reading, practice and preparation at their initiative and in their own time.
The following Units Of Competency make up the Qualification:
Formula Student has a philosophy of delivering training that prepares a student for work, and students develop workplace skills by undertaking work like practices in a work like environment.
To this end, both the training and the assessment are carried out while undertaking simulated workshop tasks or jobs. As much as possible both the Skills and the Knowledge components of the learning, commonly called practical and theory components, are carried out in the workshop, on the job.
Our training utilises MRP(Manufacturing Resource Planning) software which allows tasks to be allocated to students and for the logging on and off by the student for the different work areas and equipment used.
Students are instructed by the trainers and/or carry out blended learning utilising video instruction to gain an understanding of the task and what is required as an outcome.
The student is assigned a job card and drawing to instruct them on what it is they are required to undertake or learn, and the steps required to achieve the outcome (for example, a job card may provide learning and instruction on checking the tread on a vehicle tyre, and then ask the student to undertake the task of checking the vehicle tyre). The component task is broken down within the job card into the various step by step work tasks.
This step by step process breaks a finished task down into the steps or stages to undertake a task or learn theory and the student clocks on to each stage of the job card, just like in a real automotive workshop. The final stage or step on the job card is the trainer sign-off. Where a task is undertaken, the student inputs into the MRP software that the task has been completed and the teacher signs off those components as satisfactory once they are completed and meet the specifications stated on the job card.
Trainers utilise the latest in technology with the Formula Student proprietary mobile device observational assessment system.
This system allows the trainer to monitor and assess observable behaviours displayed by the student live while the student is carrying out tasks. The system is integrated with the MRP software and follows the job card and the student as they progress through their work instructions. The observable behaviours are mapped in the background to performance criteria for Units of Competency (UoC). Observable behaviours may be mapped to multiple UoC performance criteria across a range of UoC.
Students are observed and assessed progressively and over time.
For a student to be assessed as competent in a unit of competency, they must be assessed over time on multiple occasions for each of the Performance Criteria within a UoC. This mapping is carried out by the Formula Student proprietary mobile device observational assessment system. Once the system determines that a student has been determined satisfactory for each Performance Criteria through observable behaviour assessment from the teacher and questioning either by the trainer or through assessment quizzes through the LMS (Learning management System) component of the Formula Student proprietary mobile device observational assessment system , the system will then flag the assessment staff at Formula Student that the student has satisfactorily achieved the required criteria for a competent result in that UoC and is ready to be assessed and signed-off if deemed competent by the assessor.
Students have multiple opportunities for assessment due to the formative nature of assessment. If it is deemed that the student has had multiple opportunities and is still not able to achieve competency, then the student is determined to be Not Competent. For more information on multiple attempts refer to the student handbook.
Enrolling in a Formula Student program is a simple two step procedure.
1/ Become a student by clicking the "Become a Student" button on the top of the Formula Student home page
2/ Once you are a student, you can enrol in a class by logging in first and then clicking the “enrol in a class” button. Upon becoming a student you can go straight into the enrolment area.
Depending on which class you are enrolling in and if you are accessing Government Funding such as Queensland VET in Schools (VETiS), you may need to provide additional information such as copies of previously awarded Certificates or Visa category information. Formula Student may require this information along with other information to ascertain if you qualify for the funding you are utilising for your enrolment.
All students enrolled in a Nationally Recognised Training qualification (including ALL students undertaking VET in Schools programs) MUST provide Formula Student with their Unique Student Identifier (USI) within two weeks of enrolment, and student enrolment cannot be confirmed by Formula Student until a valid USI has been provided. For information about obtaining a USI see Formula Student Formula Automotive Program is undertaken within high schools or at Formula Student’s Yandina training facility. The course duration and timetabling varies between schools. Normally, a school will run the program (a) for one full day per week over one school year, or (b) over three school periods per week over two school years. Our Yandina classes run for one full day per week over one school year.
All training resources and materials are included. Tools, equipment and consumables are provided by the facility or by Formula Student.
While we try and cover all items required during the learning and assessment, there are some items students will be required to supply and bring to class.
The first and most important are PPE items. PPE stands for "Personal Protective Equipment".
Students will also be required to supply their own stationery.
Student will need to provide the following:
This item is required during any class that involves welding. It must be made from a non-flammable material and it is highly recommended that students purchase a known brand high-visibility style workshirt.
Students are encouraged to wear long pants during all activities, however shorts are OK in hand tools environments. Long trousers are compulsory however when students are involved in activities that require welding to prevent burns due to the range of rays emitted from the welding source, along with radiated heat and sparks.
Engineering workplaces and practices require steel capped footwear to be worn during practical activities or while walking in practical based areas and the learning environment is no different. Students are required to have steel capped work boots or shoes to be able to enter the workshop. As the majority of our practical AND theoretical learning takes place in the workshop it will be rare that students won't be required to wear steel capped work shoes/boots.
As with protective footwear, protective eyewear is a standard item when entering engineering workshops. Students are required to provide some form of eye wear/safety glasses that conforms to current Australian Standards. This could be in the form of safety glasses or a faceshield for those that wear prescription glasses. It is the student’s responsibility to provide suitable protective eyewear.
**Students will need to supply the preceding items and wear them during all workshop sessions. Students who arrive at a workshop session without all of the required PPE (as listed on this page), for the student's safety and the safety of others, the student may not be permitted entry to the workshop to participate in the session.
Students are required to provide a range of day to day stationery such as pens, pencils, ruler, notebook and other items that they would generally be expected to bring to any other form of theoretical class.
Computers are available at our Yandina training facility and at the majority of school facilities. If you are in a Bring Your Own Device School, your school will advise if you need to BYOD.
Some schools may require students to provide additional items to those listed above. Each school will provide students with a list of what they need to provide.
Our Formula Student Formula Automotive Program is currently NOT funded under the Queensland Government VET in Schools Program (VETiS). Currently, this program is only offered in a few schools to students who are ALSO undertaking our Formula High School Racecar Build Program (MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways) as VETiS funded students in that program (i.e. such students will be enrolled in AUR20716 on a Formula Student funded scholarship, which is fee-free for the student).
If students are at a school where AUR20716 is offered by Formula Student but they are not VETiS eligible, they may enrol as full-fee paying students. Our fee for VETiS-ineligible students for AUR20716 is $3,500 and we will negotiate a payment plan on a case-by-case basis as outlined in the Student Handbook.
For information about VETiS and eligibility, please see
There will also be some costs associated with the program associated with the students’ provision of PPE.
The AUR20716 has no units of competency with pre-requisites.
The Program is open to high school students who have completed at least year 9 who have a reasonable level of language, literacy and numeracy skills (at a level that will enable successful undertaking of the course). Students need to check with their school regards entry requirements, as schools may offer the program to students either in Y10, Y11 and Y12.
Course content is designed to provide direct relevance to the work-related vocabulary, reading, writing and numeracy that students are asked to learn.
Prior to or upon enrolment or at any time during the course, a student may request their language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills be assessed to confirm their LLN skills are at the level required for the course (or individual units). In addition, trainers and assessors may request a student undertake an LLN assessment at any time during the course of their studies if the trainer and assessor thinks the student may be experiencing difficulty with the requirements of the course.
For more information about LLN assessment and support, click on the Student Support tab at the top of the site or the link to the Student Handbook.
Training is undertaken at high school locations or at the Formula Student Training Facility at 6/39 Central Park Drive, Yandina Qld 4561.
Please contact Formula Student for details of training locations for the specific program you are interested.
MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
This Formula Student® program is available fee-free for students who are eligible for a subsidised training place under VET in Schools (VETiS) funded by the Queensland Government.
A student may only be funded to complete one VETiS qualification while at school. For information about VETiS eligibility please contact us or access the information about the Queensland Government VETiS Program at
Students who are not eligible for VETiS funding may access our program on a fee-paying basis under a payment program—contact us for further information.
AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
This Formula Student® program is NOT available fee-free for students under VET in Schools (VETiS) funded by the Queensland Government.
Students may access our program on a fee-paying basis under a payment program—contact us for further information.